Body Protection Hazard Recommendations

The table below provides general recommendations on the type of body protection that should be worn when working with a specific hazard. If you have questions on the appropriate selection of body protection, contact

HazardsBody Protection RecommendedAdditional Comments
ChemicalChemicals in small amounts General Use Lab CoatGeneral use lab coats are not chemical resistant
Large quantities of flammables or small amounts of pyrophoric or highly reactive materialFR Lab Coat
FR lab coats are flame resistant
Large quantities of corrosive or pyrophoric material FRCP Lab CoatFRCP lab coats are flame and chemical resistant
Assigned after EHSS Hazard Assessment
Large quantities of corrosive materialChemical Apron Must be used in conjunction with a lab coat
Biohazardous MaterialBiohazardous material including, but not limited to bacteria, viruses, blood, tissues, cells, etc.General Use Lab Coat
RadiationUnsealed radioactive materialsGeneral Use Lab Coat
LasersBody protection is specific to the hazard presentContact EHSS at for assistance.
Physical HazardsCryogenic liquidsGeneral Use Lab Coat
Hot materialFR Lab Coat
Particles, Dust, Glass ShardsGeneral Use Lab Coat
Glassware or equipment under pressureGeneral Use Lab Coat
Open flamesFR Lab Coat

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