Eye and Face Protection Hazard Recommendations

The table below provides general recommendations to help in determining the type of eye and face protection that should be worn when working with a specific hazard. If you have questions on the appropriate selection of eye and face protection, contact ehss@syr.edu.

HazardsFace Protection RecommendedAdditional Comments
ChemicalChemicals in small amounts that don’t pose a splash hazardSafety Glasses
Chemicals that pose a splash hazardSafety Goggles
Large quantities of corrosivesSafety Goggles and Face Shield
Highly reactive and pyrophoric chemicalsSafety Goggles or a Face ShieldBlast shield recommended
Biohazardous MaterialBiohazardous material including, but not limited to bacteria, viruses, blood, tissues, cells, etc.Safety Glasses or Face Shield
RadiationUnsealed radioactive materialsSafety Glasses
LasersClass 3B and 4 Lasers Laser Safety Glasses specific for wavelength and power of laser. Contact EHSS at ehss@syr.edu for selection assistance
Physical HazardsCryogenic liquidsSafety Glasses
Flying objects/particlesSafety Goggles
Glassware or equipment under pressureSafety Goggles
Changing out compressed gas cylindersSafety Glasses

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