Hand Protection Hazard Recommendations

The table below provides general recommendations on the type of hand protection that should be worn when working with a specific hazard.

When selecting hand protection, it is important to consider that no glove is totally impermeable and provide protection from all hazards. If you have questions on the appropriate selection of hand protection, contact ehss@syr.edu.

HazardsHand Protection RecommendedAdditional Comments
ChemicalChemicals where long term contact is required or when handling highly corrosive or toxic chemicalsChemical Resistant GlovesRefer to the chemical manufacturer safety data sheet for glove selection recommendations.

Verify glove selection is appropriate for the specific chemical using a glove manufacturer selection guide. Glove selection guides are available through Ansell and Kimberly-Clark.

Contact EHSS for assistance with glove selection.
Chemicals in small amounts and incidental contact is expectedDisposable Nitrile GlovesAppropriate selection of glove material should be based off a manufacturers glove selection guide or in consultation with EHSS.
Biohazardous MaterialBiohazardous material including, but not limited to bacteria, viruses, blood, tissues, cells, etc.Disposable Nitrile Gloves
RadiationUnsealed radioactive materialsDisposable Nitrile Gloves
LasersHand protection is specific to the hazard presentContact EHSS at ehss@syr.edu for assistance.
Physical HazardsCryogenic liquidsCryo-Gloves
Hot solidsHeat Resistant or Leather
Hot LiquidsLiquid Resistant and Temperature Resistant
Particles, Dust, Glass ShardsLeather Gloves
Glassware or equipment under pressureLeather Gloves
Open flamesFlame Retardant Gloves

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