Biohazardous Waste

Biohazardous/Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) is material generated in research, production and testing of biologicals or health care such as:

  • Research animal waste
  • Human pathological waste
  • Human blood and blood products
  • Needles and syringes (sharps)
  • Cultures and stocks (microbiological materials)
  • Other infectious waste (e.g. materials contaminated with biohazardous/infectious agents)

The disposal of all biohazardous/regulated medical waste generated at the University must be coordinated through Environmental Health and Safety Services (EHSS).

Contact EHSS at for assisting in determining if a waste material is a biohazardous/regulated medical waste.

Submit EHSS request for service form to request a biohazardous/regulated medical waste pick up.

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