Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral that was historically used in thousands of building products due to its fire and chemical resistance, durability, and tensile strength. A material is considered to be an asbestos containing materials (ACM) if it is comprised of greater than 1% asbestos. Materials containing <1% asbestos are referred to as Trace Asbestos Guidance Document [PDF]. There a thousands of different materials that can contain asbestos. NYS Department of Labor provides a list of Common Asbestos Containing Materials (NYS CR56) [PDF] in its regulations.
ACM that is intact and in good condition does not pose a health hazard. Damaged ACM can result in a release of asbestos fibers which poses a potential inhalation hazard. ACM may only be disturbed/abated by NYS certified asbestos handlers. Damaged or disturbed ACM must be reported to Physical Plant Environmental Shop and/or EHSS immediately.
The Physical Plant Environmental Shop is responsible for general asbestos management and asbestos abatement oversight at Syracuse University. All contractors performing asbestos related activities on campus must receive prior approval from the Physical Plant Environmental Shop Supervisor and must perform asbestos related activities in accordance with all applicable regulations and University best management practices.
Environmental Health and Safety Services (EHSS) assists the Physical Plant Environmental Shop in managing asbestos containing materials at Syracuse University in accordance with applicable state and federal asbestos regulations. EHSS provides compliance guidance, asbestos awareness training and responds to asbestos related inquiries, incidents and exposure concerns.
Any known or suspected disturbance of asbestos must be reported to the Physical Plant Environmental Shop and EHSS immediately to initiate appropriate response and clean-up.