Clean Air Programs

Environmental Health and Safety Services (EHSS) administers  environmental air quality programs to guide and support University compliance regulations and standards associated with emissions to the outside air and air pollution prevention.

Title V Air Permit

The University’s NYS DEC issued Title V air emissions operating permit covers applicable air emission sources and related operations  at the University’s main campus and steam station. Any proposed changes or additions to emission sources or activities covered by this permit must be approved by EHSS.

General Requirements

Air emissions generating activities at the University are required to comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standard. No one performing activities at the University may:

  • cause or allow air contaminants to the outdoor atmosphere of such quantity, characteristic or duration which is injurious to human, plant or animal life or to property, or which unreasonably interfere with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property.
  • allow any air contamination source to emit air contaminants in quantities which alone or in a combination with emissions from other air contamination sources would contravene any applicable ambient air quality standard or cause air pollution, unless specifically authorized and/or permitted to do so by EHSS and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.

Emission Source Specific Requirements