Radiation Safety Committee

Syracuse University’s radiation safety committee (RSC) administers the University’s radiation safety program and promotes the safe and compliant use of radioactive materials and radiation-producing equipment at the University. The RSC approves all use radioactive materials and radiation-producing equipment at the University and monitors radiation safety program activities including training, occupational exposures, waste management, etc.

Syracuse University’s RSC membership consists of the University’s Radiation Safety Officer, Vice President and Chief Campus Facilities Officer, and faculty and staff representatives from University departments where sources of ionizing radiation are used. RSC members are appointed by the University’s Vice Present of Research and approved by NYS Department of Health. RSC meetings are held at least once per calendar quarter.

Chair of the RSC

  • Dr. Eric Finkelstein, research assistance professor, biomedical and chemical engineering

Radiation Safety Officer

  •  Rebecca Ponza, director, Environmental Health and Safety Services

Technical Members of the RSC

  • Dr. Stefan Ballmer, professor of physics
  • Dr. Carlos Castaneda, assistant professor of biology and chemistry
  • Dr.  Melissa Chipman, assistant professor of earth and environmental sciences
  • Dr. Robert Doyle, professor of chemistry

Administrative Member of the RSC

  • Peter Sala,  vice president and chief facilities officer, Campus Facilities and Administrative Services