Medical Care and Consultation

Laboratory personnel working with hazardous chemicals have an opportunity to receive medical care and consultation, including necessary follow-up visits, under the following circumstances:

  1. Whenever an individual develops signs or symptoms associated with a hazardous chemical to which the individual may have been exposed in the laboratory.
  2. Whenever exposure monitoring reveals an exposure level routinely above occupational exposure limits for an OSHA regulated substance.
  3. Whenever an event takes place in the work area, such as a spill, leak, explosion, or other occurrence resulting in potential exposure to a hazardous material.

Laboratory personnel that have been exposed to a hazardous chemical, or are experiencing adverse health effects, should contact DPS (315.443.2224), to report the incident, and request medical care.

All medical care and consultations must be performed by or under the direct supervision of a licensed physician without cost to the worker, without loss of pay, and at a reasonable time and place.


16.1. Information Provided to the Health Care Provider

If a member of the laboratory is injured, or over exposed to a hazardous chemical, the University will make every effort to provide the following information to the health care provider treating the injured or exposed person.

  1. The identity of the hazardous chemical(s) to which the employee may have been exposed.
  2. The SDS’s of the chemicals will be provided for each identified chemical.
  3. A description of the conditions under which the exposure occurred including quantitative exposure data, if available.
  4. A description of the signs and symptoms of exposure that the employee is experiencing, if any.