Minors in Laboratories

Hosting a minor(s) in a laboratory requires registration and approval from the Office of Institutional Risk Management.

Once approval to host a minor(s) in a laboratory is received from the Risk Management, the hosting laboratory must ensure the following:

  • Supervision: Minors may not work alone in a laboratory.
  • Training: All individuals, including the minor(s), engaged in activities in a laboratory complete Laboratory Safety Training. This training is offered in person by Environmental Health and Safety Services.
  • Restricted Activities. Minors are also restricted from working with or having access to the following materials, equipment, or research:
  • Ionizing Radiation

      • Radioisotopes and radiation producing equipment.

    Lasers (Class 3B or 4)

      •  Minors may not work in areas in which Class 3B or 4 laser are operating.

    Biological Hazards

    Infectious material, Primary human and non-human primate materials, Biological Select Agents or Toxins, Risk Group 2 recombinant materials and viral vectors.

    Controlled Substances

     Narcotic and non-narcotic substances that are regulated under the federal Controlled Substance Act.

    Particularly Hazardous Chemicals

    Acutely toxic – LD50 oral ≤50 mg/kg, carcinogens, reproductive hazards (mutagen or teratogen), pyrophorics, hydrofluoric acid, explosives, etc.


     Minors may not access, handle or work with or in close proximity to vertebrate laboratory animals without the approval of an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

    Major Physical Hazards

     Minors may not engage in work involving equipment presenting a major physical hazards (i.e. lathes, electric saws, high powered tools, etc.) or electrical hazard (i.e. electrophoresis, high voltage equipment, etc.). Minor may not work in areas with potentially hazardous noise levels.


    Minors may not work in an area requiring the use of respirators.


     In view of the open and diverse research environment at Syracuse University, this policy provides for limited exceptions to these requirements based on consultation with the principal, department chairperson, EHSS, and Risk Management.